What follows is a list of all actions accessible within CCT. To give a component an action, simply insert <zzz action="actionname">Text</zzz>, where zzz is one of button, checkbox, menuitem, or checkboxmenuitem.
Action Name | Applies to | Description |
keyboardtiming | checkbox, checkboxmenuitem | This will enable and disable keyboard timing. |
addtime | button, menuitem | This will bring focus to the "Add time..." cell in the times list. |
currentaverage# | button, menuitem | This will bring up the statistics dialog for the current RA #. |
bestaverage# | button, menuitem | Brings up the statistics dialog for the best RA #. |
sessionaverage | button, menuitem | Brings up the statistics dialog for the session. |
togglefullscreen | button, menuitem, checkbox, checkboxmenuitem | Enables and disables fullscreen timing. |
importscrambles | button, menuitem | Makes the import scrambles dialog box visible. |
exportscrambles | button, menuitem | Makes the export scrambles dialog box visible. |
connecttoserver | button, menuitem | This will bring up the connect to server dialog box. |
showconfiguration | button, menuitem | Makes the configuration dialog box visible. |
exit | button, menuitem | Shuts down CCT. |
togglestatuslight | checkbox, checkboxmenuitem | Enables and disables the status light for the timer. |
togglehidescrambles | checkbox, checkboxmenuitem | Enables and disables the "hide scrambles" option for the timer. |
togglespacebarstartstimer | checkbox, checkboxmenuitem | If enabled, only the spacebar will be able to start the timer, otherwise, almost every key will. |
togglefullscreentiming | checkbox, checkboxmenuitem | If enabled, the fullscreen frame will become visible when timing is started. |
togglescramblepopup | checkbox, checkboxmenuitem | Toggles visibility of the scramble view. |
undo | button, menuitem | This will undo the last change to the times list and scramble list. |
redo | button, menuitem | This will redo the next undone change to the times list and scrambles list. |
submitsundaycontest | button, menuitem | Makes the sunday contest submission dialog visible. |
newsession | button, menuitem | This will save the current session, and start a new one. |
showdocumentation | button, menuitem | This will open the CCT Readme. |
showabout | button, menuitem | Shows the about frame for CCT. |
requestscramble | button, menuitem | Generates a new scramble. |